Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just a little creative writing.

I'm in that kinda mood again.

Welcome to this place where exit signs are broken and all your windows breathe smoke. Say hello to mixtures of confusion and self-indulgence, a place that harbors innocent guilt. Get ready to be married to your worst enemy, the only reason you have for living. Make sure you’re ready to live your life as someone you are not, because all your mirrors are broken and you cannot remember what you look like anymore. Get used to your stomach turning each day from the malnutrition that working to stay alive will bring. Make yourself immune to broken promises and apologies because you’d rather let her take advantage of you then lose your worst enemy, your reason for living. Understand that you will leave your lover black and save yourself. Understand that you’ll stay with your lover until you are black, while they save themselves. Witness fires consume your home and be so utterly shocked at losing your entire life to flames that you forgot five minutes ago she was throwing gasoline on your furniture so you would need her again. Make covering your face an involuntary action when the alarm goes off, because the sunlight entering your room lets you see her for what she really is. Be aware that every single night that you go to sleep with her, you’re falling asleep with a gun in your mouth. Savor it, this is happiness..